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Monday, October 30, 2006

Preaching - Hans Oehlert

Preaching - Hans Oehlert

Hans Oehlert is the preacher at the Northwest church of Christ in Denver, CO.

Heaven, Hell and the Afterlife - Part 7 (Bible Class)

Heaven, Hell and the Afterlife - Part 7 (Bible Class)
Denny Petrillo

Andrew, The Apostle of Small Things - Ken Dawdy

Andrew, The Apostle of Small Things - Ken Dawdy

Ken Dawdy is the pulpit minister and an elder at the Englewood church of Christ in Englewood, Colorado. Ken is also a former instructor for the Institute.

Heaven, Hell and the Afterlife - Part 6 (Bible Class)

Heaven, Hell and the Afterlife - Part 6 (Bible Class)
Dave Chamberlin

Saturday, October 21, 2006

The Salient Feature of God - Chuck Taylor

The Salient Feature of God - Chuck Taylor

Chuck is a senior at Bear Valley scheduled to graduate in February of 2007. He and his wife Mary plan on doing preaching work after graduation.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Having a Confident Knowledge - Carey Samford

Having a Confident Knowledge - Carey Samford

Carey is also a senior here at Bear Valley scheduled to graduate in February of 2007. Carey and his wife Bonnie and their daughter Aubrey (1), will be moving to Arusha, Tanzania to do long term mission work after graduating.

Secure in Your Salvation - Christopher Graber

Secure in Your Salvation - Christopher Graber

Christopher is a senior and is scheduled to graduate in February of 2007. He and his family will be working in Minnesota preaching the gospel upon graduation.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Spiritual Priorities - KaSime Davenport

Spiritual Priorities - KaSime Davenport

KaSime is a senior here at Bear Valley and is scheduled to graduate in February of 2007.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Heaven, Hell and the Afterlife - Part 4 (Bible Class)

Hevean, Hell and the Afterlife - Part 4 Dave Chamberlin

Brother Dave Chamberlin fills in for Denny Petrillo this week with a class on Satan.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Using Bible Words in Bible Ways - Jay Lockhart

Using Bible Words in Bible Ways - Jay Lockhart

Jay Lockhart is a long time gospel preacher currently serving the church in Tyler, TX. Today, Jay brings a tremendous lesson on using Bible words the way the Bible does.

The Godly Life - George Robison

The Godly Life - George Robison

George Robison is a pulpit preacher with thje Columbine church of Christ in Littleton, CO. He is a 1995 graduate of the school and has worked in the United States and Canada preaching. Today, he brings a lesson on "Godly Living" from the book of Titus.

Heaven, Hell and the Afterlife - Part 3 (Bible Class)

Heaven, Hell and the Afterlife - Part 3 - Denny Petrillo

Denny continues the study with a discussion of hell.