Challenges Facing Young Preachers- Travis Robertson
Travis Robertson, Associate Minister for the Columbine church of Christ, continues our chapel series.
This site podcasts the chapel presentations, sermons and seminars from the Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver.
Challenges Facing Young Preachers- Travis Robertson
Travis Robertson, Associate Minister for the Columbine church of Christ, continues our chapel series.
The Practical Differences Between Pastors and Preachers - Wayne Roberts
Wayne Roberts, instructor and preacher for the Parker church of Christ, continues our chapel series on Challenges Facing Young Preachers with his lesson on the differences between pastors and preachers.
Challenges Facing Young Preachers - Brandon Watson
Brandon Watson, 2007 graduate, adds to our chapel series on Challenges Facing Young Preachers.
Mistakes Young Preachers Make - Luke Guthrie
Luke Guthrie, 2006 graduate and preacher, delivers his lesson in our Challenges Facing Young Preachers chapel series.
Communicating With Elders - Ken Dawdy
Ken Dawdy, preacher for the Dahlia Street church of Christ in Denver, continues our series on Challenges Facing Young Preachers with his lesson on Communicating With Elders.
What Do You Preach? - Bill Stewart
Bill presents a lesson in our continuing series on Challenges That Young Preachers Face.
Challenges for New Preachers - Rick Walker
Rick Walker has preached at the Golden church of Christ in Golden, Colorado for the past 18 years. He is a graduate of the Bear Valley School of Preaching. His lesson today in chapel is "How to Deal with Challenges."
Improving Your Memory (Study Skills - Part 2) - Bill Stewart
Bill Stewart offers the students suggestions on ways they can improve their ability to memorize material. The is part 2 of a 4 part "Study Skills" series.
How to Take Good Notes (Study Skills - Part 3) - Michael Hite
Michael Hite offers students advice on how to improve their note taking skills in the classroom. This presentation is part of a 4 part "Study Skills" series.
How to Be a Better Test Taker - Denny Petrillo
Brother Petrillo offers good advice to those who want to improve their test taking skills. This chapel is part of a 4 part "Study Skills" series.
Advice for Preachers Students - Harold Turner
Harold Turner, long time gospel preacher and evangelist, spoke in chapel to bring some wise advise to men just beginning to enter full-time ministry.
Preaching to a Rich Culture - Mike Green
Mike Green is currently involved in planting a new church in DuPont, Washington where he serves as evangelist. He is a 2007 graduate of the Bear Valley Bible Institute. Today, he brings a lesson on the challenges of "Preaching To A Rich Culture."
The Legacy of Good Influence (Joshua 24:31) - Ken Burton
Ken Burton, long time preacher from Mountain Home, AR, presents his lesson in our lectureship entitled, "The Legacy of Good Influence" from Joshua 24:31.
Choose for Yourselves Today (Joshua 24:15) - Jeff Jenkins
Jeff Jenkins, preacher for the Lewisville church of Christ, closes out our lectureship with his lesson, "Choose For Yourselves Today" from Joshua 24:15.
The Sin of Achan - Glenn Colley
Glenn Colley, preacher and elder at the church of Christ in West Huntsville, AL, continues our lectures with his excellent lesson on "The Sin of Achan."
Archaeology in Joshua - Michael Hite
Michael Hite, instructor and Vice President of Operation for the Bear Valley Bible Institute, continues our lectures with his lesson on "Archaeology in Joshua."
Overview of the Conquest - Stafford North
Stafford North, Long time educator and Gospel preacher presents his lesson, "Overview of the Conquest."
Not One Word of God Has Failed - Robert Oglesby
Robert Oglesby, long time pulpit minister for the Waterview church of Christ in Dallas, TX, presents his lesson entitled, "Not One Word of God Has Failed" from Joshua 23:14.
Character Studies in Joshua - Jason Jackson
Jason Jackson, preacher for the East Main Street church of Christ in Stockton, CA and editor of the Christian Courier, continues our lectureship with his lesson entitled, "Character Studies in Joshua."
Today's speakers engaged in an open question and answer session of various topics.
Valor and Victory at the Set of Sun: The Example of Aged Caleb - Les McGalliard
Les McGalliard,long time Gospel preacher and associate minister at the Moore-Central church of Christ in Moore, OK, continues our lectures with his lesson, "Valor and Victory: The Example of Aged Caleb."
Difficult Passages in Joshua - Denny Petrillo
Denny Petrillo, Ph.D., President of the Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver, continues the lectures with his presentation on difficult passages in the text.
The Book of Joshua in the New Testament - Bobby Liddell
Bobby Liddell, long time Gospel preacher and current Director of the Memphis School of Preaching, continues our lectures with his lesson entitled, "The Book of Joshua in the New Testament."
Lessons from the Last Goodbye (Ladies Session) - Cindy Colley
Cindy Colley delivers her second lesson in our Ladies Session entitled, "Lessons from the Last Goodbye" from Joshua 23.
The Cities of Refuge (Joshua 20) - Josh Austin
Josh Austin, missionary preacher and teacher on the Navajo reservation serving in Kayenta, AZ, presents his lesson of the "Cities of Refuge" from Joshua 20.
Lessons from the Division of the Land (Joshua 13, 15-19) - Garrett Bookout
Garrett Bookout is a 2007 graduate of the Bear Valley Bible Institute and is currently serving as an intern here at the Bear Valley church of Christ.
Joshua: Sermons You Can Preach - Wayne Burger
Wayne Burger, long time gospel preacher, missionary and instructor at the Bear Valley Bible Institute provides suggestions for sermons from Joshua.
God's Conditional Promises (Joshua 6-7) - Chuck Webster
Chuck Webster, preacher from Hoover, AL presents a powerful lesson entitled "God's Conditional Promises" from Joshua 6-7.
Circumcised for Conquering (Joshua 5) - Wayne Roberts
Wayne Roberts, preacher for the Parker church of Christ in Parker, CO presents his lesson entitled "Circumcised for Conquering" from Joshua 5.
Beware of Beguilers - Chuck Horner
Chuck Horner, preacher, educator and founding instructor/trustee of World Video Bible School in Maxwell, TX, continues our lectures with his lesson "Beware of Beguilers" from Joshua 9.
Building Our Own Altars (Ladies Session) - Cindy Colley
Cindy Colley, Bible class teacher and author, presented her lesson in the Ladies' Session entitled, "Building Our Own Altars" from Joshua 22.
The Stones of Remembrance - Rick Walker
Rick Walker, preacher for the Golden church of Christ in Golden, CO continues our lectures with his lesson "The Stones of Remembrance" from Joshua 4.
The Harlot's Faith - John Moore
John Moore, preacher for the Dripping Springs church of Christ in Dripping Springs, TX continues our lectures with his lesson, "The Harlot's Faith" from Joshua 2.
Geography and History in Joshua - Dave Chamberlin
Bear Valley Lectures 2009 - Dave Chamberlin, long time instructor and Dean of Students at the Bear Valley Bible Institute continues our lectures with a lesson entitled "Geography and History in Joshua."
I Will Not Leave You or Forsake You - Michael Shepherd
Bear Valley Lectures 2009 - Michael Shepherd, preacher for the Westside church of Christ in Pensacola, FL continues our lectures with a lesson entitled "I Will Not Leave You or Forsake You" from Joshua 1:1-9.
Following A Great Man - Brett Petrillo
Brett Petrillo, Youth and Family Intern with the Bear Valley church of Christ begins our lectureship with a lesson entitled, "Following A Great Man."
What I Love About Preacher Students - Will Hanstein
Will Hanstein, Dean of Graduate Studies for the Bible Institute continues our "What I Love About..." series with a lesson on "What I Love About Preacher Students."
What I Love About Jesus - Wayne Nelson
Wayne Nelson, Assistant Director of Development for the Bible Institute, presented his lesson in our ongoing chapel series, "What I Love About Jesus."
What I Love About Teaching - Dave Chamberlin
Dave Chamberlin, long time instructor for the Bible Institute, continues our chapel series with "What I Love About Teaching."
What I Love about Telling the Bear Valley Story - Bill Stewart
Our chapel series "What I Love About..." continues with Bill Stewart, Director of Development for the Bible Institute. His lesson discusses his passion for sharing the story of Bear Valley with congregations and prospective students.
What I Love About Soul Winning - Wayne Burger
Wayne Burger, instructor for the Institute and preacher for the Columbine church of Christ, continues our chapel series today with a message on the joys of being a soul winner.
What I Love About the Bear Valley Extension Program - Bob Turner
Bob Turner, Director of the Bear Valley Extension Program, continues our chapel series talking about our foreign Extension Program.
PRODUCTION NOTE: Chapel sessions for Thursday, Sept 10 and Monday, Sept 13 are not available due to recording problems.
What I Love About Bear Valley - Jerry Groves
Brother Groves is currently a sophomore with the Bible Institute and works as a full-time minister of the Gospel in Aurora, CO as well.
What Are We All About? - Denny Petrillo
Dr. Denny Petrillo, President of the Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver, addresses the staff, visitors, students and new freshman during Opening Chapel of the 2009-2010 school year.
Why Preach? - Neal Pollard
Neal presents reasons why being a Gospel preacher is the greatest work on earth!
Why Bear Valley? - Denny Petrillo, Ph.D
Denny presented reasons why those wanting to be trained to preach the Gospel should attend Bear Valley.